At this time of year, we all love to read the accounts of the birth of Christ. In Luke’s account of those events we read about the shepherds. We are familiar with the narrative and children up and down the country will be putting on dressing gowns and tea towels, in order to play the part of one in their local nativity.
It’s often said that we are too familiar with these passages of scripture. Whether you know it well or not, we have much to learn from the Shepherds about their response to meeting the Lord Jesus. in verse 9 of chapter 2 we are told that an angel appeared to these men and told them that the Christ, saviour and Lord had been born in Bethlehem and they were told to go and find him. After this fearful and awesome encounter, the shepherds waste no time in hurrying to Bethlehem to find the Lord.
What is striking is how these men respond to this child who is also the Lord. Verse 17 tells is that they
‘Made known the saying that had been told them concerning this child.’
They were so excited and happy about this good news that they brought it to others who in turn,
‘Wondered at what the shepherds told them.’
This time of year, can be an opportunity to share this good news, or invite someone to a Christmas service or write Christmas cards with bible verses on them. All of these things spring from an inner excitement about Jesus and what he has done for us. Pray for help in telling others about Jesus and for opportunities to do so. Most importantly lets’ pray that God would give us such a wonder about Christ that our excitement would result in telling others.
Verse 20 tells us that they glorified and praised God for all that they had heard and seen. Encountering Jesus leads us to praise and worship him. This is not something that we only do at Christmas! There are many Christians who do not celebrate Christmas for their own reasons. If we do celebrate let us take time to praise and worship Jesus, as we particularly remember the glory of the incarnation and how he came to save sinners like us. In what can be a busy or stressful time of year, take time to slow down and mediate on the truth of God’s word, and to praise and worship him.
There is a final word that strikes me in this passage; returned. Some might find it surprising that the shepherds simply went back to what they were doing before. They didn’t start a ministry or travel to tell others, they continued to shepherd and be a witness there. This is a great encouragement to all of us. That we can serve and be a witness for Jesus where we are. What matters is that we aim to serve and please him wherever he puts us.
After this Christmas period let’s return to wherever he has called us to be, to worship him and tell others this good news.